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    To Fix or Replace Your Floor? Here’s How to Know

    Floor ReplacementIf you have a repair that needs to be completed on your floor, but your floor is a bit old, you may want to consider replacing it. But how do you know it is time for a fresh new floor? There are few key things you need to look out for and consider when determining whether your floor needs a quick fix or a total makeover.

    Flood or Water Damage

    If you have had extensive water damage to your home, you may need to replace the entire thing. If you find warping of your wood or laminate, or you can smell mildew that wont leave with cleaning, it is time to put in a new floor. If you do not replace your floor, mold could begin to grow in the cracks and spaces below your floor. Mold growth inside your home can be incredibly dangerous to your health. Mold can cause respiratory illness and allergic reactions that can be deadly. Always contact a professional if you have had flooding or water damage in your home.

    Squeaky Floors

    If your wood flooring is notoriously squeaky, you can probably just repair it instead of replacing the entire floor. Fixing a squeaky floor can be done yourself if you are handy. If you need help, you can always call a flooring professional for assistance.

    Selling Your Home

    If you are about to put your home on the market, nothing raises the value of a home better than a brand new floor. If your flooring is a bit outdated, you may consider installing a new hardwood floor in order to put your home at a higher price point.

    For more information about repairing or replacing your floor, contact D&R Flooring today. Call 972-625-4100 to schedule your appointment with our flooring experts.

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