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    #1 Residential Painting Services in Dallas & Collin County, TX

    residential painting services dallas, txOver time, your walls may begin to accumulate dust, dirt, and grime. This is completely normal, of course, but most homeowners are not interested in seeing such filth on a daily basis. You could scrub down the walls, but doing so risks ruining the material hidden underneath an old coat of paint. Your other option is to hire residential painting services in Dallas, TX to tackle the job and bring new life to your home – both inside and out. With a fresh coat of paint, your home will look more fashionable, its curb appeal will grow, and its value will increase.

    Residential Painting Estimates

    Before starting a job, our expert painters will survey your residential home. The cost of our painting services factor in the total size of your home, the quality of paint used, and the working hours required to complete the job. Rest assured, however, that D&R Floors and Home Solutions Inc. always offers a comprehensive estimate of all work before we begin any job. You will always know the general cost of our painting services.

    Residential Painting Tips

    The residential painting tips we can offer homeowners in the Dallas community are numerous and helpful. For starters, if your home is built of wood, you should focus on getting a smooth finish. Also, do not worry about whether any trim paint gets on the walls. We can cover it later when painting the walls.

    If you are uncomfortable with painting your residential home, call in professional residential painters to get the job done right. We have the tools and experience necessary to finish the job promptly.

    About Dallas, TX

    Dallas is one of the largest urban cities in Texas with a population of over 1.3 million. Visitors to the area flock to Dealey Plaza, the JFK Memorial, and Renaissance Tower to snap pictures and make memories. There is always something to do in the city; there are restaurants and wine bars to visit, and tours take place on a daily basis.

    Contact Us

    If you are interested in hiring residential painting services from D&R Floors and Home Solutions Inc., call 972-625-4100 today. We’re happy to help any way we can.

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