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    Interior Painting Services Dallas, TX

    Interior Painting Services Dallas, TXAt D&R Floors and Home Solutions Inc., we offer interior home painting services to ensure the inside of your home is as bright and vibrant as the outside. Our professional house painters possess the skills to prepare each surface adequately. They understand the range of high-quality paint and the importance of using the correct coating for each situation. We can diagnose and solve any aesthetic challenge your home may have, giving your home a look you can be proud of.

    Our painters take great care to protect all surfaces not being painted, and we thoroughly clean up our work each day. You will never know we were there.

    Interior Painting Designs

    When it comes to interior home painting, not all homes are the same. In fact, one could argue that each home has a unique design you’ll notice as soon as you walk through the front door. We take special consideration for these designs by working with the home, not against it. Our design services take into account the following elements:

    • Walls
    • Doors and windows
    • Ceilings
    • French doors and windows
    • Paneling
    • Baseboards
    • Cabinets
    • Custom coloring

    Interior Painting Tips

    To paint the interior of a home, one must be incredibly careful not to make too much of a mess. Sometimes paint can be easily cleaned or simply painted over, but even so, the extra work is time-consuming. Experienced painters will mix several cans of paint into a large bucket to ensure a consistent color throughout the room. Next, let the paint dry before removing any tape from the trim along the wall. This will provide a perfect edge to the paint.

    Interior Painting Ideas

    You’re a homeowner. You’ve got flair — you might even have creative ideas for the inside of your home! However, many people have to take a walk through the hardware store and spend some time in the paint section to get fresh ideas for their living room wall. It’s difficult to pick one color and hope for the best. You could paint your walls this summer and hate the color next season. The good news is that interior painting is easier than ever with a professional hand.

    The team at D&R Floors and Home Solutions provides creative solutions for home improvement. We work directly with our clients – that’s you – to find a color and style that will match your already beautiful home. You can test paint swatches, perform your own research, and find a painting solution that fits your style.

    Interior Painting Cost

    Like every other home project, interior painting costs varying amounts. There are a few different factors to consider, including the size of the room, the type of paint, its color, and the necessary labor. Before we begin, our experts will determine the cost. We’ll provide you with a full quote for our services, ensuring you remain in the loop throughout the entire process. This is your home, after all. We will not paint a single room without your go-ahead.

    On average, homeowners spend between $300 and $800 to paint a single room. This price varies so significantly due to the differing sizes of each room. The average room size is 10×12 feet. Of course, this differs from house to apartment. The easiest way to calculate the size of your home’s rooms is by adding the length of the wall and multiplying this number by the width of the room – floor to ceiling.

    Contact Us

    If you are interested in our interior home painting services, call in the professionals at D&R Floors and Home Solutions Inc. to handle the job. You can reach us at 972-625-4100.

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